Friday, August 8, 2008

Building Up to Bravery

I need to get over myself and tell everyone what's up with my dream. Today I'm totally inspired - so much for the slump - and think I can make this happen much sooner than my 40th birthday (which incidentally is almost more than 3 years, especially when I lose count of my age - I'm not old, I'm not old, I'm not old).

I can envision myself feeding the horses in my wellies, tossing balls to my dogs in the lawn and trekking to the local patisserie for some fresh baguette and eclairs. The challenge for the next few weeks is before me - I have to get the web site up and running, start asking for donations and set the wheels in motion. And, the big one - I need to ask my employer for support on this journey. I don't know why I'm so scared - my bosses are about making your dreams reality, so I should go for it!

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